2023 United Methodist Association of Communicators
2023 Winners
The PDF booklet lists recent winners as well as information about our Communicator of the Year and first, second and third place winners in each category.
Click here to open or download.
PURPOSE: The spirit of this competition is to celebrate excellence in communications and to recognize the achievements of UMAC members who played a key role in the creative process (writing, designing, producing, etc.).
QUESTIONS: Contact Brittany Jackson, UMAC awards coordinator.
2021 Winners
The PDF booklet listing recent winners.
The booklet contains information about our Communicator of the Year and lists the first-, second- and third-place winners in each category.
To download the book, click this link or the book cover on the right.
UMAC Awards Show 2021 from UMAC on Vimeo.
Special Nominations
Communicator of the Year
When making a nomination for an award, please consider these criteria:
- Active professional, currently serving in a communications role.
- UMAC member (nominations are made by UMAC members for UMAC members)
- Recent striking achievements in communication (i.e., previous/current year)
- Broad impact of the contribution
- Vision-thinking beyond the present/immediate demands of the job, breaking new ground.
Nominate someone online for Communicator of the Year.
Communicator of the Year Award Nomination Form
Or download and complete the PDF file and mail to Communicator of the Year, c/0 Royya James, UMAC, 810 12th Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37203. Call Royya with questions at 615-742-5461, or send an email to rjames@umcom.org.
UMAC Hall of Fame
When making a nomination for an award, please consider these criteria:
- A minimum of 10 years experience as a United Methodist communicator, retired from full-time work at least three years. (May be living or deceased.)
- Emphasis is placed on the significance of a nominee’s contribution to the communication ministry of the church and a record of excellence. Individual’s background may include multiple communication disciplines and also communication service beyond the job/church.
You can nominate someone online for the Hall of Fame. Or, download and complete the PDF file and mail to Hall of Fame Nominations, c/o Royya James, UMAC, 810 12th Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37203. Call Royya with questions at 615-742-5461, or send an email to rjames@umcom.org.